Brief History
Christmas decorations have been in existence since ancient times. Evidence of this is noted in descriptions of the Saturnalia feast (a festival to honour the god Saturn) from around 5th century BC. The decorating of the tree was something already being observed by the Scandinavians for the Yule Festival. The Celts also decorated trees for the Winter Solstice. All these festivals being held around the same time as Christmas. In this blog I want to look at Christmas décor through the ages rather then the significant meaning of this festival. So lets head on to explore the décor further.

The High Street
Smithsonian Magazine claimed that Marshall Field and Company in Chicago started to decorate their shop windows in 1907. Decorating a window display with festive décor based on the style of the day, would draw in customers to the wonders that await the shop inside. Around 1910 glass decorations were being manufactured in the United States. Frank Woolworth taking an interest in German citizens living in the U.S, had noticed they hung these glass ornaments on trees and wanted to market this product further. This was a turning point from the tinsel, cotton and felt decorations of the day.

Christmas Trees In The Home
Christmas Trees today can be bought synthetically in all different shapes, material and colours. To display a real Christmas tree they are usually a fur tree that when cut can live for several weeks with little care in the home. The lights used for decoration today have to follow safety regulations and are mainly LED lights. Decorating Christmas trees with electric lights started to become popular in the 1930’s-1940’s however the bulbs were bigger, heavier and became very hot when left on for long periods of time. More interestingly and rather dangerously in the 16th Century when the German Lutherans first decorated trees they used candles to provide light on the trees.

D.I.Y Decorations
As we move into more modern times with Christmas decorations, people are more mindful of our environment and the world we live in today. Recycling materials to create festive décor has become a hobby for some people. By using their talent to produce fantastic indoor and outdoor decorations the possibilities on stylish items are endless. Here at Wildcard Curiosities we have asked our local restorer and artist Gareth Norman Makes to produce some stunning Christmas signs made from old pallet wood that has been sanded, treated and painted to provide a unique look for us to sell in the shop.

Where to find us
Wildcard Curiosities is based in Freemen’s Common Antique Centre, 8 Counting House Road, Leicester, LE2 7LT.
The centre is open from Tuesday – Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.
There is a café and toilets on site
We also have an online shop