
The British Journal Photographic Almanac


The British Journal Photographic Almanac book was issued yearly. The book was first published in 1860 and continued until 1961. The books were published by Henry Greenwood and Company Limited, London.

Why have an Almanac book on photography?

There are two main reasons why a compilation would be required for such a varied subject as photography. First, antique and vintage cameras did not have an extensive instruction manual that we may see today in modern cameras. Also finding information was not as easy as it is today with the invention of the internet and YouTube videos. A book that encompassed multiple cameras of the year, with expert detailed information, made it easier for photographers whether armatures or professionals to research their cameras. The second reason is that antique and vintage cameras had so many components. I do not mean just the actual camera itself but with regards to the film used and the dark room development techniques and equipment involved.

What do the books look like?

In the 1950’s books, there are glossy colourful pages for advertisement appeal as well as informative details. The more well know brands such as Johnson’s, Kodak and Ilford advertise on these more attractive pages. There are various tables to assist with aperture, temperature for development of film and the solutions to use for each type of film and so on. There is extensive information about specific cameras of the time. Images taken by photographers and how these images are achieved. One could benefit from sitting and studying these books to further their knowledge on photography. Something which could be beneficial even today.

What Wildcard Curiosities Can Offer

At Wildcard Curiosities we have a large range of antique and vintage cameras available for sale online and in our shop. We have a selection of vintage camera manuals and books also. If you are looking for anything specific and cannot see this in our shop or on our website please free to contact us through our website, social media or direct by telephone. All details are on our website. We are very fortunate to have a resident professional photographer who is on hand to assist with any queries. Gareth Norman’s portfolio can be found via social media search for garethnormanphotography.

Where To Find Us

Wildcard Curiosities is based in Freemen’s Common Antique Centre, 8 Counting House Road, Leicester, LE2 7LT.

The centre is open from Tuesday – Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.

There is a café and toilets on site

We also have an online shop