Ghetto Blaster

Ghetto Blaster – Making Beats On The Street


The term “ghetto blaster” typically refers to a large, portable stereo system that gained popularity in the late 1970s and 1980s. These devices were characterised by their powerful speakers, often accompanied by a radio tuner and cassette tape player. The ghetto blaster played a significant role in the cultural and musical history of the time.



The ghetto blaster emerged in the urban neighbourhoods, particularly in African American and Latino communities, hence the term “ghetto blaster.” It was initially a tool for playing music at community events, parties, and gatherings.

Portable Music Culture:

Before the widespread use of personal headphones, the ghettoblaster allowed people to take their music on the go. It became a symbol of the emerging hip-hop and breakdance culture.

Cultural Icon:

The ghetto blaster became an iconic symbol in various forms of media, including movies, music videos, and album covers. It was often associated with street culture, rebellion, and youth movements.

Relevance in Society

Musical Influence:

The ghetto blaster played a crucial role in the spread of hip-hop and other urban music genres. It allowed DJs and artists to share their music with a broader audience, contributing to the growth and popularity of these genres.

Street Culture:

The ghetto blaster became an emblem of street culture and self-expression. Carrying a boombox signalled a sense of identity and belonging to a particular subculture.

Community and Gathering:

The portable nature of the ghetto blaster facilitated community gatherings and social events. It was a tool for bringing people together through shared musical experiences. You can just imagine the streets being filled in the height of summer with people all gathered around. The ghetto blaster on and people expressing themselves through modern dance. The whole community supporting and encouraging one another to be happy and just have a good time.

Technological Impact:

The ghetto blaster was a precursor to modern portable audio devices. Its influence can be seen in the evolution of personal music players, like the Walkman and later the portable CD player and MP3 player. Now music is played via mobile phones also.


While sadly the heyday of the ghetto blaster has passed, its impact on music, culture, and technology remains. It serves as a nostalgic symbol of a bygone era, and its legacy can still be seen in the continued evolution of portable audio devices and the enduring influence of hip-hop and urban cultures.

Here at Wildcard Curiosities we still see a desire for the ghetto blaster. Mainly they are destined for industrial use as a source of entertainment, listening to this devise in a workshop. For us when we acquire them for resale it’s the nostalgia of a bygone era of childhood memories.